The Cons convention

went from Oct. 31 Halloween to Nov. 2 It’s obvious what the party is doing to the 3 Senators that Harper claims should be responsible for their behaviour. Yet it was Harper who was responsible for appointing 59 some like Duffy, Wallin, Brazeau and Nigel Wright as his Cheif of Staff. The Cons paid for Duffy’s legal fees while Wright paid the rest…  ...

Corrupt Conservatives

attempted to cover and shield their man Mike Duffy who now has his cheque from Nigel Wright being put on the shelf by referring the situation to the RCMP. What has come to light is that Duffy an ex journalist attempted to enrich himself personally while Harper avoids queries by travelling and when questioned doesn&#8217t really answer but tries to twist the answer to attack the questioner&#8230 &nbsp...

Conservative PM claims ignorance

as his chief of employees Nigel Wright resigns more than gifting Mike Duffy funds and the initial time in a extended time we hear &#8220I&#8217m sorry&#8221 from Harper. Unfortunately, there is a cover up of the original audit which ensnares Conservative senators David Tkachuk and Carolyn Stewart Olsen who altered the findings much to the chagrin of Liberal senator George Furey who is on that committee&#8230 &nbsp...

Conservatives adjust status

Mike Duffy has stepped down from the Conservative caucus to sit as an Independent. Pamela Wallin did the following day and they will nonetheless collect $ 132,000 even even though they don&#8217t physically live in their Provinces extended sufficient. At some point Nigel Wright, Harper&#8217s cheif of employees resigned most likely to safeguard the PM from his poor actions which need to be investigated by the RCMP offered their oaths to serve the public despite this cover up&#8230 &nbsp...

Conservative Senator Mike Duffy

claims to live in PEI and got some $ 90,172  housing allowance which somebody else paid back for him to avoid an embarrissing audit. Nigel Wright a milllionaire works for the PMO and tried to aid out a crony. Duffy must go&#8230and so should Wright &nbsp...


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