Chief Bill Blair

has not been forth coming with information requested by the SIU over a few years. Blair’s “Independent” Justice O’connor had to step down because of a “percieved” conflict; that his law firm works for cases involving police actions and has been replaced. There is a radio spat as Blair continues to protect Toronto Police form the SIU; made up of ex cops…  ...

James Forcillo has been charged

with 2nd degree murder of Sammy Yatim. The approach was sped up probably due to the video and public protests! There is the SIU and Ombudsman investigation as well as Chief Blair&#8217s &#8220Independent&#8221 one by Justice O&#8217connor. The earlier pattern is that Police get off the charges although in this case there is video of Forcillo not attempting to deescalate the situation as is education and clearly firing 9 shots&#8230 &nbsp...

Sammy Yatim & James Forcillo

as named in the Media in a scenario that could have been avoided had the officer waited or not method the topic in such a manner. The 9 shots appears excessive with 22 other officers as witness&#8217 The difficulty is when the police, and ex officers on the SIU police their own the information of the case get a diverse remedy. &nbsp...


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