Formed in 2003, CAPA is a coalition of people committed to dismantling the psychiatric system. Radical and visionary, we are comprised of psychiatric survivors, social justice and human rights activists, dramatists, academics, graduate students, and health professionals.  We see problems in living, which are currently pathologized as largely created by capitalism, sexism, racism, ableism, sanism, and other systemic oppressions. We see the very concept of “mental illness” as unscientific, fraudulent, and stigmatizing. We strongly object to incarceration (involuntary committal), electroshock, forced drugging, and the vast array of brain-damaging drugs – particularly the antidepressants and neuroleptics. We oppose many human rights violations, which are endemic to psychiatry. We see a connection among globalization, bigotry, homelessness,poverty, iatrogenic disease (treatment-caused), and the mass marketing of the mental health industry including the multinational drug companies (‘Big Pharma’). CAPA has successfully organized several public educational events and strategic nonviolent resistance. For example, in 2005 we successfully organized public hearings on psychiatric drugs and electroshock. Since 2007, we organized three anti-shock rallies and protests on Mother’s Day in Toronto. And in 2010, we organized PsychOUT, an international conference for organizing resistance against psychiatry. The world which we strive to co-create is one where people and their problems are not pathologized, where care is neither commodified nor professionalized, where choice and integrity are respected, and where we are all joined in a caring and creative community to each other and to the planet earth. On May 6, 2012 at 1:00pm, the Coalition Against Psychiatric Assault is organizing Occupy Psychiatry: A nonviolent action during which survivors and activists will occupy the front grounds of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Ontario’s shock shop located at 250 College St (near College and Spadina). Please join us in the fight to end fraudulent diagnoses, forced drugging, forced electroshock, and psychiatric incarceration....

Photo Journals from Occupy Toronto

  Hi Occupy! Much love and respect. Some of you have been asking where you can see my pictures are from past events. If you want to use any of them, or want your face blurred out for anonymity feel free to contact me. -Loretta 52 Division Blockade http://www.flickr.com/photos/lorettalime/sets/72157629356454258/ March Against Police Brutality  http://www.flickr.com/photos/lorettalime/sets/72157629341698122/ Solidarity Sunday – Solidarity with Occupy Oakland! http://www.flickr.com/photos/lorettalime/sets/72157629109495439/ Dead-in Against U.S. Military Aid in Egypt http://www.flickr.com/photos/lorettalime/sets/72157629045822845/   Occupy Toronto – Activist Assembly – Weekend of Jan 20, 21, 22 http://www.flickr.com/photos/lorettalime/sets/72157628996118029/ Stop The Cuts: Final Budget Showdown: Toronto vs Rob Ford! http://www.flickr.com/photos/lorettalime/sets/72157628922546139/ Occupy Toronto – Regrouping Weekend http://www.flickr.com/photos/lorettalime/sets/72157628784130245/ Occupy Toronto Homes for the Holidays/Rebelcity Fundraiser http://www.flickr.com/photos/lorettalime/sets/72157628523033275/ Occupy Toronto Eviction, 11/23/11 http://www.flickr.com/photos/lorettalime/sets/72157628133019967/ Occupy Toronto Evict Ford March, 11/19/11 http://www.flickr.com/photos/lorettalime/sets/72157628061208425/ Occupy Toronto Camp, 11/15/11 http://www.flickr.com/photos/lorettalime/sets/72157627863260735/...

The 99 Percent Spring

Since Occupy Wall Street emerged last September, debates over its impact have roiled both liberals and conservatives confused by the fact of a (successful yet) leaderless movement lacking concrete demands. But something seems to be working. The 99 Percent Spring is just the latest recent example of OWS’s influence. An impressive coalition of liberal-left groups and organizations, led by MoveOn.org and including the AFL-CIO, Greenpeace, the Working Families Party, 350.org, Campaign for America’s Future, United Students Against Sweatshops, CodePink, Global Exchange and Color of Change aims to recruit and train 100,000 Americans “to tell the story of what happened to our economy, learn the history of non-violent direct action, and use that knowledge to take action on our own campaigns to win change.” A cross-section of the country—from carpenters and stay-at-home moms to business people, students and farmers—has signed up for hundreds of sessions so far, according to an AP report. To me, the simple fact that the cream of the liberal-left establishment is promoting direct action trainings in the six-months before a presidential election rather than focusing all its energies on the electoral horse race is dramatic testimony to Occupy’s impact. After the trainings, a series of actions—referred to as “Shareholder’s Spring”—are planned to disrupt the shareholder meetings of Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Exxon Mobil, Chevron and thirty or so other leading multinationals along with a series of student-lead actions against Sallie Mae and other corporations that have profited off the student debt crisis. Full story at: www.thenation.com/blog/167211/99-spring...

Statement and Principles on Decolonization Passes at New GA! On April 3, 2012

  On April 2, 2012 Occupy Toronto’s Monday night New General Assembly passed a proposal to adopt a statement and principles on Decolonization. Please find below the Proposal that passed with the amendments made as proposed at the General Assembly. Thank you and congratulations on a very fruitful and productive GA! April 2nd, 2012 Proposal: For the Monday GA to adopt the following statement and principles on decolonization as a framework for organizing our work through the new GA. Propose that we adopt these principles as a working statement, recognizing we need to seek input from our allies in the city to help build this living document. Decolonizing ‘Occupy’ Toronto Following the rich tradition of Indigenous people and people of colour who have fought for self-determination, decolonizing ‘Occupy’ Toronto means aspiring to win struggles for liberation by placing Indigenous people, people of color, people with disabilities, psychiatric survivors, homeless people, low income or working class people, immigrants, gender non-conforming persons, women, and queers at the center of our collective struggle. In addition, we commit to creating political structures and community events that welcome Toronto’s residents, 47% of whom are people of color. Further, we commit to respecting the lands upon which we organize in our thoughts, planning and messaging to others. We will acknowledge the lands we stand upon before meetings, GA’s and/or public events. As a place of unity, we adopt the following statements as part of a living document upon which we base our struggle against the 1%, corporate greed, colonialism and the exploitation of Mother Earth. 1) We acknowledge that Canada is a colonial and capitalist country, a country of settlers, built upon the land of Indigenous nations; 2) We acknowledge that systemic racism exists in Canada, where Indigenous people and people of colour are disproportionately jailed and impoverished by policies – deliberate or not – that are enforced and enacted by the Canadian State; 3) We demand that the colonial government of Canada honor all treaties signed with all Indigenous nations whose lands are now collectively referred to as “Canada” and that the government respect the right of Indigenous nations to self-determination, with or without Treaty signatures. 4) We recognize that oppression and colonization are systemic, they are a product of histories and contexts that go far beyond individuals and their specific histories; 5) We recognize that oppression and colonization are structural, in that it is not just the hurt feelings of individuals affected but rather the daily grind of lack of housing, of policing, of joblessness, of immense material impacts; 6) We recognize that oppression and colonization are intersectional – that is there isn’t a hierarchy of oppression that any one individual feels but complex structural and systemic inequities that affect an individual and peoples differently; 7) We seek decolonization through transformative processes, rather than through the attainment of reforms; 8 ) We recognize that people are individually traumatized differently, be it through intergenerational trauma or direct experience and require different supports in terms of healing and transformation; 9) We believe that, for us, decolonizing our communities and ourselves requires a collective effort rooted in compassion, wisdom, humility and collective consciousness. 10) We will take direction from impacted communities when organizing around issues that impact those communities directly and respect the sovereign right and knowledge of the individual nations on Turtle Island....

Wash Trade

  Canada’s largest bank & investor in the Dirty Tar Sands has been benefitting from our tax system by moving money from one institution to another. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/us-sues-royal-bank-canada-massive-fraud-224048570.html...

Rally Together Against Police Brutality

Yesterday court hearings were heard for the Occupiers who were arrested during the eviction from Osgoode Hall. One occupier was brought into the court and was black and blue, face swollen and stitches above her brow. Two of them were taken to the hospital after the arrests and another stated in court that they had been injured during the arrest. The violence against all of these occupiers was completely unnecessary and shameful. We cannot accept this violence against our brothers and sisters. Two of the arrested were released on bail and banned from associating with each other along with other conditions including not coming with 25 meters of Osgoode Hall. The others arrested are still being held. A huge thank you to the lawyers who helped Occupiers through the hearing. They did an incredible job and we cannot thank you enough for your hard work! Yesterday Occupiers blockaded the streets in front of 52 division. Today Occupiers will continue to blockade 52 division and demand 1. Unconditional Release of three Occupiers still being held in Toronto Jails. (Now 5) 2. All charges dropped against all those arrested on Friday. 3. A Public Inquiry into Toronto Police Violence on Friday. 4. The officers involved must be tried in civilian court. Ways you can help: 1. Come on down and join the blockade! 2. Bring food and warm blankets, toques, gloves, drinks, & chairs, couches, tents, furniture, etc. 3. Spread the word to your friends and via social media. 4. Be creative! Police violence in Toronto has to end now! https://www.facebook.com/events/358181370894441/#!/events/358181370894441/ Twitter accounts to follow: @Krystalline_k @occupybaystreet @q_e_d @OccupyToronto @OccupyTO @OccupyTOMedia UPDATE 1: What to Bring This not a residential area, so bring 1. noisemakers 2. musical instruments 3. bicycle horns 4. pot lids 5. anything else that will make a ton of noiseSee More * Write PostWrite Post * Add Photo / VideoAdd Photo / Video * Ask QuestionAsk Question https://www.facebook.com/events/358181370894441/#!/events/358181370894441/  ...

#M17 a Grand Success – #OWS Re-Occupies Liberty Plaza in New York

  Occupy Toronto 18 March 2012 by Michael Holloway   New Media videographer, Tim Pool – who’s coverage of Occupy Wall Street has been second to none – sums up yesterday’s 6 Month Anniversary, ‘Cultural Re-occupation of Liberty Plaza’ last night #OWS “# M17 March – 6 Month Anniversary” – http://www.nycga.net/events/event/m17-march/. Link to Tim Pool’s webcast at Ustream, 1:58am, March 18 2012 – http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/21185518 Good feeling around these events – reminds of last fall when we had an elan, a sense that we were making a difference. New York City General Assembly truly is the leader organization of this movement in North America. Their ‘Events Calendar’ is busy, busy, busy. If your in New York join the continuing month long anniversary, ’Cultural Re-occupation’ of Liberty Plaza.     Tim Pool’s Ustream archive:  http://www.ustream.tv/user/Timcast New York City General Assembly – Events:   http://www.nycga.net/events/. Occupy Toronto Web:  http://occupyto.org/ Occupy Toronto Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/OccupyToronto Occupy Toronto Twitter:  https://twitter.com/#!/occupytoronto     mh...

#OWS Cultural Occupation of Liberty Square (COOLS)

Occupy Toronto 18 March 2012 by Michael Holloway   What’s the New York City General Assembly up to? #OWS #M17 – was part of an on-going, month long “Clutural Re-Occuopation of Liberty Square” in New York City. Below is a reprint of the call to action page at New York City General Assembly – “Cultural Occupation of Liberty Square (COOLS)” – posted February 28th 2012 – http://cools.nycga.net/2012/02/28/cultural-occupation-of-liberty-square-cools/ FEBRUARY 28, 2012 Cultural Occupation of Liberty Square (COOLS) The Show Must Go On! Act One set the stage with fantastic props and sets (tents, kitchen, The Library!) and set multiple stories in motion. It was extremely effective and drew a fantastic audience. Now it’s time for Act Two and we all know where the theater is. It’s Liberty Square! We can inspire the movement, build community and keep the call for power and income equity sounding by occupying using teach-ins, workshops, music, art, sign-making and the like. It’s time to raise the curtain on a re-energized Occupation. Let’s bring our commitment and creativity back to Liberty Square! The COOLS (aka – Curveball Team) proposes that work groups do their “best stuff” in the park noon-2 PM each day starting March 1st.   Posted for your consideration.     mh...

Solidarity Against Austerity! March 16, 2012

  Please join in… Solidarity Against Austerity! When: Fri, 16 March, 12:00 – 15:00 Where: College and Bay St, Toronto (Outside the Ministry of Housing) Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/192486867522675/ From the Facebook Event: Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty put an ex-TD banking executive, Don Drummond, in charge of examining Ontario’s public services and recommending ways to decrease government spending. The Drummond Report is now out and includes 362 recommendations for deep cuts to health care, education, and other social services. The Ontario Liberals are expected to include many of the recommendations in their upcoming Provincial Budget. We must stop them!Join the Occupy Toronto contingent at the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty’s Pre-Budget Rally and March to demand a living wage, housing, and quality public services for all.Let’s show McGuinty and Drummond that they – the 1% – can no longer make decisions for us – the 99%. Please bring tents for a temporary, symbolic occupation. Official event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/168518953261094/ Details of the Drummond Report: http://rabble.ca/news/2012/02/long-awaited-drummond-report-cut-deeper-and-last-longer-harris-reforms-1990s Debunking government and media propaganda: http://rabble.ca/columnists/2012/02/recession-deficits-and-austerity-ontario...


  From: Adbusters Magazine Subject: TACTICAL BRIEFING #27 – STRATEGIC RETHINK Date: March 13, 2012 6:47:02 AM EDT Reply-To: [email protected] Home – grid TACTICAL BRIEFING #27 – STRATEGIC RETHINK Alright you wild cats, nimble dreamers and jammer tacticians, In a sudden about-face, the United States has conceded a victory to Occupy and moved May’s G8 summit to Camp David, an impenetrable military base in rural Maryland. Wow! Looks like the specter of 50,000 occupiers ready to swarm with a list of demands has turned the climactic Showdown in Chicago into a humiliating G8 Backdown. Bravo! Splitting the G8 and NATO summits was a deft move… but now we’ve got a major tactical rethink on our hands. The big question is do we follow Mao’s advice (“when the enemy retreats, we pursue”) or Sun Tzu’s (“Do not pursue an enemy who simulates flight”)? We’ve heard persuasive arguments on all sides. Some occupiers say the movement should lay chase and go for#OCCUPYCAMPDAVID against all odds … a month of tree-sits, lockdowns and nomadic encampments in the woods and nearby Thurmont. Others believe it’s best to up the ante with #OCCUPYCHICAGO: an even bigger mobilization beginning with the May Day General Strike. Still others advocate an unpredictable everywhere-at-once global insurgency of anarchic swarms throughout the month of May. When Ben Ali first attacked then tried to hide from his people, he was toppled. When Mubarak refused to negotiate and tried to beat his people back into line, he was deposed. Now the White House and the G8 are repeating the mistakes of last year’s autocrats … first they try to scare us with tough talk of repressive anti-Occupy ordinances, crowd suppression technologies and paramilitary policing, then they make a hasty retreat to the safety of Camp David. The world’s leaders flee from us … so what do we do? Maybe we just laugh at them?...

Global Laughriot

From: Adbusters Magazine Subject: TACTICAL BRIEFING #27 – STRATEGIC RETHINK Date: March 13, 2012 6:47:02 AM EDT Reply-To: [email protected] Home – grid TACTICAL BRIEFING #27 – STRATEGIC RETHINK Alright you wild cats, nimble dreamers and jammer tacticians, In a sudden about-face, the United States has conceded a victory to Occupy and moved May’s G8 summit to Camp David, an impenetrable military base in rural Maryland. Wow! Looks like the specter of 50,000 occupiers ready to swarm with a list of demands has turned the climacticShowdown in Chicago into a humiliating G8 Backdown. Bravo! Splitting the G8 and NATO summits was a deft move… but now we’ve got a major tactical rethink on our hands. The big question is do we follow Mao’s advice (“when the enemy retreats, we pursue”) or Sun Tzu’s (“Do not pursue an enemy who simulates flight”)? We’ve heard persuasive arguments on all sides. Some occupiers say the movement should lay chase and go for#OCCUPYCAMPDAVID against all odds … a month of tree-sits, lockdowns and nomadic encampments in the woods and nearby Thurmont. Others believe it’s best to up the ante with#OCCUPYCHICAGO: an even bigger mobilization beginning with the May Day General Strike. Still others advocate an unpredictable everywhere-at-once global insurgency of anarchic swarms throughout the month of May. When Ben Ali first attacked then tried to hide from his people, he was toppled. When Mubarak refused to negotiate and tried to beat his people back into line, he was deposed. Now the White House and the G8 are repeating the mistakes of last year’s autocrats … first they try to scare us with tough talk of repressive anti-Occupy ordinances, crowd suppression technologies and paramilitary policing, then they make a hasty retreat to the safety of Camp David. The world’s leaders flee from us … so what do we do? Maybe we just laugh at them?...

Book: Occupy World Street: A Global Roadmap for Radical Economic and Political Reform

  Blockbuster Book: Read about everything you ever wanted to know about the economy and the wealthy 1%, including fundamental issues that are at the core of the Occupy Movements list of grievances, all neatly outlined in one book “Occupy World Street” by Ross Jackson, it’s aims and purpose and the underlying practices of how the  e lite 1% are enriching themselves at the expense of the 99% majority and why democracy has failed in the US, certainly a ‘Must Read’ for every person in the US, how we  all have been doped and exploited by the rich and powerful and how wealthy people control corporations, congress, government and the media and how we continue to damage  the planet, all in the name of greed and profits. As demonstrators worldwide demand reform of a corrupt global economy that concentrates wealth in the top 1% of income earners, Occupy World Street offers a long  awaited plan of action for ‘the 99 percent’. Ross Jackson delivers one of the most lucid descriptions of how global financial practices are driving economies to the  brink of collapse, and making it impossible to deal effectively with climate change, ecosystem damage and peak oil. He outlines a compelling plan that will allow countries to regain control of their economies, reorganize global trade alliances on a more human scale, and gradually  replace WTO/IMF/World Bank with new institutions that support sustainable economies and uphold human rights. Rather than force a direct confrontation with the  crumbling ‘Empire’, Jackson’s innovative strategy would be led by a handful of small nations that are already starting to break away from the contemporary global  order, and supported by ordinary citizens around the world.   Jackson has done what few others have dared to do: constructed a specific, implementable plan to reorganize the way economies work. It’s a plan, says sustainable  economics pioneer Hazel Henderson, that “has the potential to unite hundreds of NGOs and millions of ordinary citizens behind a simple proposal that could change the  current dysfunctional game.”   Ross Jackson explains that the current system is no longer serving the majority of the people in the US but rather the wealthy 1% elite and corporate America. This  system is based on exploiting the poor and developing countries in the interest of economic gain for the elite 1% only. These threats include economical, ecological,  and social collapse which can widely be attributed to the current reigning financial ideology called Neoliberalism, which is the main force driving society toward this potentially disastrous future. Even though it addresses these issues, this book does not exude a tone of doom and gloom nor is it chalked up with radical left-wing conspiracies or propaganda,  rather, the author backs up all his claims with strong evidence and offers a road map to economic recovery and sustainability and a concrete vision for a new society,  which favors not mere economic growth and greed but rather serving all of humanity rather than only the wealthy elite and “the corporatocracy”. The author, Ross  Jackson, is at the forefront of this transformation- spearheading Eco-villages and offering new models for almost all aspects of civilization It is crucial that we as activists, individuals and citizens rise above passivity and understand the threats human civilization face today so that we can start taking action locally and work towards a solution that will be more sustainable. This book is neutral and not politically aligned to any party or corporation, the author  states  facts as they are and reveals many hidden facts that most of us in the US are not aware of, the author is wealthy and has no ulterior motives, this book is set to become a best seller. This  book is no urban legend or conspiracy theory, it’s all hard facts that is not available to the general public.   *** Note that this book will not be promoted in the US by the mainstream media, because of the tight control that the Wealthy 1%, Corporations, and the Government have  on the Press, the wealthy would not want facts that are exposed in this book to me made available to the public.   Book Details: Occupy World Street: A Global Roadmap for Radical Economic and Political Reform Author: Ross Jackson Publish Date: January 2012 ISBN-10: 1603583882 ISBN-13: 9781603583886   Purchase the book from the comparison shopping site: http://www.allbookstores.com/book/compare/1603583882   Watch YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgAuD2-syWk   Press Release: www.greenbooks.co.uk/media/OWS_Press_Release_Jan_2012.pdf   Website:  http://www.occupyworldstreet.org/ows-the-book   Excerpts from the book:   The period from 1945 to 1980 was, in retrospect a period characterized by relative peace, rapid economic growth, no major financial crisis, a general sense of social  cohesiveness in most nations, with the coming to power of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher and the ascendency of the neoliberals, everything changed. The subsequent  period from 1980 to the present has been characterized by a deterioration of social cohesiveness, environmental destruction, increasing stress, increasing criminality,  a shift from solidarity to individualism, a ‘greed is good” mentality, a dramatic widening of the gap between rich and poor, and not least, a series of major financial crisis resulting from the ‘financialization’ of the world economy, recall, that 1980 was also the point at which the marginal costs of growth began to exceed the  marginal benefits, the point at which a global collapse may well have begun. It is as if the dominant culture entered a final stage of frenzy, denial, absurdity and  fantasy to stave off the reality that its way of life was coming to an end. Nowhere was this truer than in the field of finance, which removed itself further and  further from any contact with the real world. In reality basic financial and accounting principles were ignored.   ______   Deregulation – The basic problem with removing government regulations from markets was pointed out in the 1700s by Adam Smith, who did not trust the morality of a merchant class that had no concept of restraint or social responsibility. Since human ingenuity is limitless, any relaxation of rules will inevitably lead to  unintended and unforeseen exploitation by profit-seeking businessmen, typically at the expense of the non-profit seeking parts of society – local communities, working  people and the environment. History has shown that repeatedly that markets are not self-regulating as the neoliberal ideology has shown, on the contrary, unregulated  markets tend to go to extremes until they eventually crash. The deregulation and removing of safeguards caused an entirely predictable result as it allowed new profit driven unscrupulous investors to get their hands on the enormous assets built up over several decades from local community savings and engage in an unregulated and  irresponsible speculative frenzy as they invested in all kinds of dubious get-rich-quick schemes characterized by conflicts of interests, incompetence, highly  speculative investments and criminal activities using other people’s money. The ruling concept was: head we win, tails the taxpayers pay. ______   Unrestricted capital Flows – Free capital flow (including free flow of goods across borders) is both the source of strength and the Achilles heel of neoliberal  politics. Unrestricted capital flows systemically cause financial crises in two ways, firstly, they allow investor of one country to create a financial crisis in another that would otherwise not have occurred and secondly, they act like a virus that allows a crisis in one country to spread to other countries and example is the  US subprime loan crisis. These unrestricted capital flows are also the reason for systemic recurrence of financial crisis, because the foreign markets in which the  “players” invest, even though large enough and liquid enough in normal markets are extremely illiquid in a crisis. ______   The Financial Crisis of 2007-8 – This most recent crisis had elements of all three “culprits”, deregulation, over-gearing of naked derivatives at the national level  in the United States and unrestricted capital movements, which spread like a virus to the rest of the world. A major deregulation event that paved the way for the crisis was the repeal of the American Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 under pressure from the financial elite who wanted more freedom to operate, this act was passed originally  back in 1933 to prevent the kind of irresponsible and unregulated speculation that was identified at that time as a major cause of the 1929 stock market crash. The  administartion of George W. Bush went even further cutting market oversight to almost nothing. The subprime housing market is often cited as the major cause of the  crisis, but this is misleading because the problem is systemic. With Glass-Seagall out of the way, the post-1999 financial world became even more of a casino,  unrelated to the underlying economy. Money was not being used productively but for naked speculation. the current global financial system is systemically unstable and  flawed and continues to be an accident waiting to happen. The only unknowns are when and how the next accident will be precipitated. ______ The Kennan Doctrine – The guiding doctrine followed by the American political leadership over the past half century and the reasoning behind it, was formulated in a  remarkably clear statement by George F Kennan (in 1948) ” We have about 50% of the world’s wealth but only 6.3% of its population, This disparity is particularly great between the peoples of Asia. In this situation, we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of  relationships, which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security. To do so, we will have to dispense with  all sentimentality and daydreaming, and our attention will have to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives…….” we see here a classic  attitude of the worldview of separation. there is no sense of global solidarity or sharing. Kennan’s doctrine is a blueprint for Empire. There is only one wish to control 50% of the world’s resources at the expense of everyone else. Other countries might as well be enemies from outer space. But a dilemma is created by this  doctrine, because the proclaimed values of the United States for which it has been widely admired the past 200 years are precisely those values that must be  sacrificed, and that in practice have been sacrificed, “human rights, the raising of living standards [of developing countries] and democratization”, therefore the  doctrine must not be announced openly to the American people, who would never accept it if they had choice in the matter. It is the doctrine of the ruling elite (1%). Thus the US leadership has been forced to be hypocritical, cynical, even schizophrenic, saying one thing while doing another. In the subsequent 200-plus years, the power struggle between the “opulent minority” and the great majority has continued unabated. Though the trend has been towards  democracy in the past, the coming of neoliberalism in the 1980′s, the trend has been reversed, evolving into the situation, as we know today, with the minority owners  of great private wealth enjoying unprecedented influence while a frustrated majority experiences disempowerment and a constant deterioration in their freedoms and  quality of life. Most observers would agree that merely having elections every four years is not sufficient evidence that a nation is democratic. Do voters have real  choice or are we looking at a one-party system? There are serious questions about the degree of true democracy present in twenty-first-century United States. ______   On 1 % – Inequalities – Increasing inequality is not just a moral issue, there is a causal link between capitalism and inequality on the one hand, and between inequality and social problems on the other that is critical to our understanding of the role of the economic system in social breakdown. The single most important  cause of inequalities is the ‘private ownership of income-generating property’. Unemployment is identified as the second important factor, and has been linked to  increased rates of mental illness, suicide, homicide, divorce, heart attack deaths, stroke deaths, aggression etc. ______   Assault on Nature – Today, crisis is all around us. We are living right on the edge of breakdown, our well being, if not our survival, is threatened by climate change,  resource depletion, toxic pollution, social breakdown, genetically modified foods, hunger, environmental degradation  and a rate of species extinction not seen in 65  million years. Powerful forces are driving our civilization to a deep abyss, behind all of them is a simple reality; ecosystem overload. Too many people with too-powerful technologies are undermining the basis of our existence. As a global population, we are living beyond our means, living off our natural capital, consuming  more than Nature can replenish. ________   Energy Descent – the peak in global oil production and the subsequent decline in oil supplies is not a threat to our survival as such, but is going to cause a more immediate crisis that is a threat to our whole way of life, we are consuming more oil than we are discovering, it is just a matter of time before demand exceeds supply, when this happens, the consequences will overshadow everything else on the political agenda. ________   The Collapse of Civilizations – why is our civilization threatened? an example is where the tendency of civilizations to destroy the ecological foundation of life by  cutting down forests and destroying topsoil which results in short-term gains but inevitably leads to long-term disasters. Another example is the human failure to  adjust populations to match the level that is sustainable, an example is Ethiopia, which has one of the world’s highest death rates and a devastated environment yet  population continues to rise, driven by each family’s attempt to survive. In he’s book “Collapse” Jared Diamond states that from our lessons of history, environmental  degradation is a prime cause of collapse. Historian Joseph Tainter on the other hand states that the overriding reason for collapse is economic, more specifically,  collapse is an example of the law of diminishing returns i.e. declining benefits to the population. Another reason is the role of energy, it is only energy that can  sustain a civilization, every time a civilization increases complexity, more energy is required to maintain the same level of benefits, we are reaching that stage of  post cheap-oil era, with substantially higher costs and correspondingly diminishing returns. ________ The evidence strongly suggests that our global civilization is undergoing a collapse that will continue to play out over several decades. There can be little doubt  that we are on a journey toward a different world for the simple reason that this one is on an unsustainable path. ________   So what is driving our civilization toward ruin? Ecosystem overload, over-population, unsustainable growth, species extinction, growing inequality, global injustice, global warming, peak oil – we are so familiar with all these things that it does not occur to us to ask ourselves if there is a common thread linking them. The so-called Cartesian/Newtonian worldview came to dominate the way Western civilization looked at the world from roughly the seventeenth century to the present, and not  without good reason. The reductionist, mechanical approach to problem solving inspired by Newton and others, combined with Descarte’s concept of the separation of  humankind and nature, proved to be a powerful tool in the development of the Industrial Revolution and modern science. It is generally considered to have been a  resounding success as on of the key factors in increasing the general standard of living, particularly in industrialized countries. However, it successes have not come  without costs. Often these costs appear elsewhere in the global system than we might intuitively expect, for example, in damage to the environment and human  settlements from,  and outside the field of vision of, the centers of the industrialized world of the west. In this regard, it is important to realize that, until recently, the vast majority of people in the world were far less influenced by this worldview e.g. China, India, Africa, the Middle East and South America. Many of  these peoples experienced only the negative effects of this paradigm through colonialism, environmental degradation and commercial explanation. Our civilization has  held the Cartesian/Newtonian worldview for too long. The strategies of this paradigm, which work so well in a “new frontier” society, work no longer in a “spaceship Earth” society. In a world where man is considered to be separate not only from nature but also separate from other humans, it is no wonder that a civilization has  evolved that is based on the exploitation of nature and the weaker parts of human society.     ________   The Role of Economics – Central to this evolution is the role of economics. Indeed, if the objective of someone was to drive our civilization to ruin, then nothing could  do it more effectively than the invention of the currently dominant economic system – neoliberalism. Since roughly the end of the Second World War, the primary goal of  almost nations has been to maximize economic growth, without the least regard for either ecological overload or peak oil. There are two fundamental flaws in the  reigning version of economics. The first one is the treatment of the environment as a subset of economics. rather than the reverse, treating economics as a mechanism  of resource allocation that operates within the physical restrictions of ecological space. In other words, economists perceive the environment as a collection of resources for humanity’s use rather than seeing humanity as an integral part of, and inseparable from, a living and complex organism we call Nature. The consequences  of this error are enormous, a direct conflict with one of the most fundamental and irrefutable laws of physics, the second law of thermodynamics This law states  a  fundamental fact about the irreversibility of nature. The nonrenewable resources of our world, once used up (oil) then they are no longer available to do any work. This flaw allows economist to ignore problems of limited resources , ecosystem overload and energy descent. Economists can literally not see these problems because  they are not included in their differential equations. It is as if or civilization is sailing down the Niagara River, and our economic guides, who are servants of the  political leadership, have neither compass nor map. They will not see the problems unti w go over the waterfall.  The second major flaw is he way in which economist  model growth. This is especially dangerous because the ruling elite tends to pay more attention to economists than to physicists. The political power of the business  community has been increasing steadily for two hundred years to the point tht today, we can no longer separate politics from business, particularly in the world’s  dominant economy, the United States. The combination of powerful business interests, political allies and popular support makes it almost impossible to stop the growth  bubble from bursting either when the ecosystem can no longer take the pressure, or more likely, when the reality of the coming period of energy descent hits the financial markets. ________   International Monetary Fund – IMF – how does it exploit and put a stranglehold on developing countries ? – IMF loans to developing countries were made conditional upon  acceptance of policies of neoliberal ideology (no wonder poor, developing countries, remain in an endless spiral of debt and under-development) For the typical  developing-country client, this meant they had to (1) reduce their tariffs on western industrial products without compensating tariff cuts by the industrialized  countries; (2) devalue their currency and expose it to short-term speculation by gigantic Wall street hedge funds far larger than their central banks; (3) sell off key  public facilities to western corporations at ridiculously low prices; (4) raise interest rates, throwing hundreds of companies into bankruptcy; (5) remove food subsidies to their poor while being forced to accept the right of the West to dump subsidized food products on their market, destroying their small farmers in the  process (6). charge fees for school, resulting in massive school-dropout rates. (7). cut social welfare programs in order to force an unnecessary balanced budget and  pay interest on their debt to the IMF (8). switch from import substitution to production of export-oriented materials of value to the West (North). What we see here is  a conscious attempt by the IMF to impose on client states an ideology that was by no means universally accepted, and in most cases not even appropriate. The result was nothing less than a crude transfer of sovereignty from member states  to the IMF, and hence to the United States, not de jura, but de facto. ________   World Bank – supported by associated donor countries and elite organizations like the Paris Club imposed on developing countries by granting them loans that were not  really needed by making alliances with wealthy elites and corrupt political leaders in developing countries, who were allowed to pocket a sizable chunk of funds for  personal use and for their companies, which were awarded lucrative contracts for unnecessary prestige projects. Most of the money actually returned to the West in the  form of contracts with American and European engineering consultancies (Middle Eastern countries are prime examples of this). US Treasury officials openly admitted  that two dollars came back for every one dollar contributed to the World Bank in the form of procurement contracts for US exporters. The prime goal of the World Bank  and G7 countries is to use developing countries as a cheap source of labor and raw materials and to keep them in an endless spiral of debt.   ________   World Trade Organization – WTO – The WTO has a Charter written by corporations for corporations, a charter that puts commercial interests above all, a charter to allow  the strong to exploit the weak. Constitutions of countries are generally based on the sovereignty of people and countries, every constitution has protected life above  profits, but the WTO protects profits above the right to human life and other species. The WTO “free trade” regime is in reality a “forced trade” regime, because  developing countries are forced to accept exploitative conditions that put high tariffs on their otherwise competitive exports, while allowing subsidized Western products to undercut local production, this gives the country with the strongest capital base and smallest social and environmental costs a competitive advantage, in  this case the United States. The WTO does not support any environmentally friendly practices, example taxes on CO2 emissions, in reality, the WTO system encourages  destruction of natural capital, the vey basis of human existence. (profits at all costs). ________   Growth is good, not really, only ecologically sustainable growth is good, but an economic system that treats ecology as a subordinate rather than the other way around  can never be sustainable. Thus, neoliberal economics confuses capital depletion and return of capital, treating depletion of natural resources as part  if it were part  of the economic return, an elementary error in basic investment theory. ________   “Free markets benefit all, including the poor” – nothing is further from the truth, the last thing that neoliberals want (Western countries) is competitive developing  countries, they want cheap labor and cheap raw materials for their industrialized countries and a market for their finished industrial products. The current system is  rapidly creating greater inequalities in the world, more poverty among the poorest and more wealth among the wealthiest. ________   On Colonialism – as US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles claims to have said “There are two ways of taking a society’s economy, one is by armed force, the other is  by financial means...

Indigenous Perspectives on the Occupy Movement

  Tom B.K. Goldtooth is the Executive Director of the Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN), headquartered at Bemidji, Minnesota. A social change activist within the Native American community for over 30 years, he has become an environmental and economic justice leader, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Tom co-produced an award winning documentary film, Drumbeat For Mother Earth, which addresses the affects of bio-accumulative chemicals on indigenous peoples, and is active with many environmental and social justice organizations besides IEN. Tom is a policy advisor on environmental protection, climate mitigation, and adaptation. Tom co-authored the REDD Booklet on the risks of REDD within indigenous territories and a member of the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change — the indigenous caucus within the UNFCCC. What does it mean to ‘Occupy already occupied lands?’. How does Occupy relate to 500 years of resistance on Turtle Island? Please join speakers Tom B.K. Goldtooth, Clayton Thomas-Muller and Leanne Simpson with MC Tannis Nielson to explore and discuss these dynamics of the Occupy movement. Next forum: (de)Occupy Talks: Big Oil, Tar Sands and ‘Ethics’ Tuesday, March 20th, 7 pm Bloor Street United Church, 300 Bloor St. W. https://www.facebook.com/events/324715747576088/ For videos of past panels and updates on future panels, join Occupy Talks on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Occupy-Talks/276821545707071?sk=wall&filter=1...

Drummond: the Report

  There was an Occupy article on Mar. 3 that had links to a response from Jim Stanford; who we’ve met at Occupy Talks. Also another rabble article in the March 2012 Archives that have been bumped because someone posted GA minutes in the wrong place… Here is an article on the person. http://basicsnews.ca/2012/03/drummond-recommends-cuts-to-services-more-provision-by-private-sector/ Also the Provincial Gov’t link. http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/reformcommission/ My analysis will follow over the next few days… given the gamble that the OLG is taking to propose 3 new casinos due to lack of disposable income?!...

Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug(KI)First Nation

  leaders and guests spoke in a panel on Monday night at the Steelworkers Hall to an audience over 100. Talked about the mining problem that they face vs God’s Lake Resources Inc(seriously) a junior firm  on the Canadian National Stock Exchange they say is planning to work on their sacred burial ground. Past challenges vs the Ontario Government.  A few years ago they faced Platinex Ltd. and several community leaders went to jail for refusing to allow mining exploration. Tuesday at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada(PDAC) convention at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre(MTCC) there was an action on the north side protesting and making them look at us. There was a humourous fashion show of suits, oily and blinged out personas. Followed by a rally of speakers and informal flashmob/march. There was a Sunday statement by the government to withdraw lands near KI from prospecting and mineral staking. From the KI view who is Ontario to tell indigenous people what to do with their land that preceded the formation of Ontario? My Question is: How would the 1 % feel if some corporation wanted to dig under Mount Pleasant Cementary to get at minerals?...

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